Vaccine War Headlines
This podcast grew out of the numerous alarming injuries and deaths being attributed to the experimental vaccine program under the Emergency Use Act.

Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Vaccine War Headlines vol 87
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
VAERS COVID VaccineAdverse Event Reports1,615,020 Reports Through November 3, 202336,726 DEATHS212,294 HOSPITALIZATIONS153,281 URGENT CARE240,624 DOCTOR OFFICE VISITS10,706 ANAPHYLAXIS17,575 BELL’S PALSY5,071 Miscarriages21,155 Heart Attacks27,832 Myocarditis/Pericarditis68,819 Permanently Disabled9,008 Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet38,959 Life Threatening46,529 Severe Allergic Reaction15,960 ShinglesAttorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against PfizerTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton has initiated legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., citing allegations of deceptive practices related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.The lawsuit asserts that Pfizer engaged in misrepresenting the vaccine’s efficacy, particularly challenging the claim of 95% effectiveness, and accuses the company of trying to stifle public debate on the matter.Attorney General Paxton accuses Pfizer of violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act through “false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices.”The lawsuit highlights the company’s claims that the vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate against COVID-19 infection, stating that this was based on “relative risk reduction” in Pfizer’s initial short-term clinical trial results.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Vaccine War Headlines vol 85
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
COVID Vaccine Reports in Children(Ages 6 mos.-17 years)67,839 Total Reports Through September 29, 2023189 Deaths630 Permanently Disabled1,471 Myocarditis739 Life Threatening4,978 Hospitalized5,600 ER Visit10,977 Not Recovered